Footprints Graduation

Happy Graduation for all of you !

Graduation is one of the moment which always been waiting by all of students and their parents. There is incredible passion when graduate held for the students, after they passed a period of study and hardly test then they just feel : finally! aarrrgghh. That moment of graduation will give the sense of free feeling, provide relief in their parent's heart, they feel success giving the best way so their children could reach and finished the study. Then parents will begin to liberate their children to choose a job according to their subject. The children seems like grown up in parent's eyes.

What's the problem?
There are so many fresh graduate in Indonesia. Two or three times of the year, every university in Indonesia pass around thousands of students. So throughout the year we will have so much competition in getting a job. And this is a war that must be passed by students.

But... Keep fight!
Hunting the job or make a job, whatever you will choose, do it with the best way. Use your knowledge and apply to job you choose. Make sure you choose the right job with your passion. Keep learning something new. Do not stop make a desicion and crazy rule, so you don't ever boring to do your job.

So good luck for all of you, good luck for him and good luck for me ^^

1 komentar

  1. Mba saya mau tanya boleh?
    1. Di Taiwan sehari-hari berbicara nya dengan bahasa apa?

    2. Bagaimana cara mba belajar bahasa asing


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Terima kasih ^^.
Love, Lisa.